The French department was established in 2002 with an objective to cater to the needs of French language learning to the people of Northeast states. Part time courses like Certificate, Diploma and Advanced Diploma have been launched. The aim is to teach functional French along with language competencies: speaking, reading, writing, listening. Certificate course is for beginners. Diploma is an intermediate level and Advanced Diploma is an advanced course. Upon successfully completing advanced diploma, one can do M.A French directly in some of the universities provided one has B.A in any subject. During these years, the department along with other foreign languages have organised two national level seminars and many workshops. The department is planning to start regular courses. The department is also planning to technologically upgrade already existing language lab shortly.
French part-time courses
Certificate Level-Matriculation; no Entrance examination
Diploma Level-Matriculation and Certificate course; Entrance examination is required, however it is exempted to continuing students
Advanced Diploma Level- Matriculation and Diploma course for Advanced Diploma level; Entrance examination is required, however it is exempted to continuing students
Admission, Duration and Tentative Timings
Every year admissions will take place in March or August.
Course duration is one year / 3 days a week, between 3pm – 5pm
Textbooks , Audio CDs and other materials
As prescribed by the Department of French: Connexions and Alter Ego.